Medical Advances In Weirdness


Medical Advances in Weirdness

DC Evening Star July 2, 1862

Who Needs Accutane?

Shut Up And Take Your Tar Pills
Tar in Alabama--1858 

CURIOUS SPRING IN ALABAMA—The Talladega Watchtower, in an interesting review of Professor Tuomey’s last report on the Geology of Alabama, states near the line between Hancock and Lawrence, there is a spring of liquid bitumen or mineral tar, which is said to be somewhat remarkable for its curative properties and is said to be known as a cure for scrofula, cancerous sores, rheumatism, and other diseases in which alternatives are required. The water runs out from a seam or crevice in the limestone and the tar bitumen floats on the surface, a black foam very cohesive and insoluble in water. The tar can be collected in patients visiting the springs frequently take it in the form of pills.

Really, Doctor, It's Just a Bump On My Head

Feel the Bumps On Your Head
Know Thyself!

September 1859, Harper’s Magazine

KNOW THYSELF-THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL for September, now ready contains: The Late Horace Mann, Portrait, Biography, and Phrenology; Trades For Young Men, Choice of Pursuits; Phrenology in the Pulpit, by Rev. H.W. Beecher; Be a Man—sensible advice; Robert Burns; John W. Bulkley; Ossian E. Dodge; Helps and Hinderances, Bravery and Cowardice; The Temperaments; Judge Marshal and Wife; Utility of Phrenology, etc.

Terms, only $1 a year, or ten cents a number. Published by FOWLEE AND WELLS, 808 Broadway, New York.

See If Your Bride's Head Is On Straight

Ever Had An Impractical Genital Disease?

Important medical work, Dr. Ralphs' Practical Private Treatise on the Diseases of the Genital Organs, their nature, symptoms, progress, consequences, remedies and cure, including masturbation or self abuse, stricture, and those (innocent) complaints which resemble venereal diseases, and to which all are liable--adapted to the use of every individual of both sexes, 5th Edition, 342 pages with illustrative plates. Price $1. May be had of the author, 88 Greenwich street or by post, mailed free. It is an invaluable work to all who wish to become acquainted with the matters upon which it treats. Dr. Ralph is a physician of high standing and has already published several works which have acquired for him considerable distinction.

A Sure Cure For Hydrophobia

Dr. Charles Kidd, of England, announces that chloroform is a perfect cure for hydrophobia. A teaspoon of either ether or chloroform is to be sprinkled on a handkerchief and placed on the patient's face to smell, and a red hot poker is then within half an hour to be applied to the bite.

Well, That Didn’t Help!

READ!—JUST RECEIVED A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Taylor, in favor of Mrs. Jervis’s Cold Candy:-Washington, Dec. 20, 1849-Mrs W. Jervis-Dear Madam-You will please accept my best thanks for the box of your Cold Candy which you so kindly sent me. I shall resort to its need with great confidence in its efficacy, for the alleviation of coughs and cold. I remain, very respectfully, your friend and servant, Z. Taylor

Sold wholesale and retail by Mrs. W. Jervis, 366 Broadway, one door above Franklin Street, and sold by druggists generally.

(General Zachary Taylor, hero of the Mexican War and 12th President, died after eating iced milk and cherries in great quantities at a celebration of the building of the Washington Monument July 4, 1850 after serving about 15 months.)


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