Pithole Goes Boom--then Bust
BOOM THEN BUST The oil town--Pithole, Pa. Pithole, PA Pithole, PA is a n example of just how quickly a particular location could go boom and bust. In January of 1865 a farm on Pithole Creek sold drilling rights for $100,000. By the end of December 1865, Pithole, PA was a city of 15-20,000 people (estimates vary)! It boasted the third busiest post office in Pennsylvania, 54 hotels, almost as many brothels, a large theater and numerous saloons and boarding houses. In October 1865 Pithole was also the site of the first oil pipeline. By December 1866, only a few thousand people were left. Six years later, Pithole was a ghost town. Oil wells in Pennsylvania in 1862 Notice how close the wells are. The wood barrels are to store oil, but a standard barrel size had not yet developed. ...