Southern Attitudes on Slavery
Slave Holding in the South Isaac & Rosa slave children from New Orleans Disunion the Doom of Slavery Hon, W.W. Boyce of South Carolina, in 1851, speaking of the hostile spirit of the age to the institution of slavery said—“Secession, separate nationality with all its burdens, is no remedy. It is no redress for the past; it is no security for the future. It is only a magnificent sacrifice to the present, without any wise gaining in the future. For various reasons I have stated, I object in strong terms as I can, to the secession of South Carolina. Such is the intensity of my conviction on this subject, that if secession should take place—of which I have no idea, for I cannot believe in the existence of such a stupendous madness— I shall consider the institution of slavery as doomed, and that the Great God, in our blindness, has made us the instruments of its destruction.” 1863 Emancipated Slaves from New Orleans Slave...