Slavery In the North
In the North, freedom from slavery was traded for no rights as free men. The Abolitionists movement did not start to spread until the 1830s. All through the Civil War, Abolitionists were viewed as a loud and often extreme minority. While Abolitionists fought to free the enslaved, most still thought blacks were an inferior race and should not have all the privileges of whites. A good modern analogy might be PETA -People for Ethical Treatment of Animals—movement. Most people agree in general animals should not be treated cruelly, but few people even in PETA believe goats, snails, chimpanzees or gorillas should be given the right to vote or testify in court. Negroes in Indiana September 12, 1858 Rising Sun Visitor newspaper In the Floyd Circuit Court, recently, the Judge decided the law forbidding the introduction of Negroes in this State unconstitutional. The Judge of the Circuit is ...