Rapping, Gently Tapping--Who You Gonna Call ?!

The Fox Sisters In 1850, near Rochester, NY 13 year old and 15 year old sisters, Leah and Margaretta Fox started playing a joke on their mother, cracking their toes and dropping apples on the attic floor, convincing their mother and their neighbors ghosts were communicating with the girls. Thus, started the modern era of the paranormal as the “rapping” craze swept the nation. It did not take long before the girls were making money giving seances. Their eldest sister took charge of them, and they never did tell their gullible parents the truth. Though unmasked as "humbugs" early and repeatedly, the Fox sisters continued to hold seances. They soon had competition. Dozens of imitators started giving seances, communicating with spirits "rapping" their answers back from the beyond. Young women in particular were “using society’s natural modesty” to conceal cracking their toes, or other gimmicks beneath long dre...