Locofocos, Barn Burners, and Putty Heads
Locofocos, Barn Burners, and Putty Heads Torchlight rally of Know Nothings in NY City Don't you wish you could call some politician a " Locofoco ?" Or protest "all those Barnburner Putty Heads ?" Plus Know Nothings , Hards and Softs , Conscience Whigs , Free Soilers, Putty Heads and Fusionists just to name a few of the political parties or factions of political parties. Modern political terms just lack this sort of colorful speech. Sept. 25, 1852 NY Herald (On the NY State Democratic convention) Thus was the State ticket made up of two softs , one barnburner and one hard shell hunker ; and having formed an electoral ticket upon which are eighteen hunkers to seventeen barnburners and softs , and a State committee which reckons nine barnburners and softs to seven hunke...